Postphlebitic (postthrombotic) syndrome is symptomatic chronic venous insufficiency after deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Causes of chronic venous insufficiency are disorders that result in venous hypertension, usually through venous damage or incompetence of venous valves, as occurs (for example) after DVT.
Certain factors may increase your risk for post-thrombotic syndrome, such as:
· Being very overweight.
· Having a DVT that causes symptoms.
· Getting a thrombosis above the knee instead of below it.
· Having more than 1 DVT.
· Having increased pressure in the veins in your legs.
· Not taking blood thinners after your DVT.
The following are the most common symptoms of post-thrombotic syndrome:
· A feeling of heaviness in the leg.
· Itching, tingling, or cramping in your leg.
· Leg pain that’s worse with standing, better after resting or raising your leg.
· Widening of leg veins.
· Swelling in your leg.
· Darkening or redness of the skin around your leg.
Before looking for treatment options, avoiding further complexities can be made possible if Post-Phlebitic issues are quickly diagnosed. That can be achieved through the help of professional vein viewers such as the FDA Portable Vein Detector SIFVEIN-5.2.
The SIFVEIN-5.2 Vein Finder is an infrared vein finder that is used for medical observation. It’s employed to fetch for subcutaneous superficial blood vessels as well as for aided punctures such venous diagnostics and intravenous injection. The ultimate aim is to detect the presence of any possible vein disorders like the Post-Phlebitic issue.
In other words, the portable IV Vein finder SIFVEIN-5.2 is completely capable of quickly recognizing chronic venous insufficiency, in legs which will later on contribute to the acceleration of the treatment and recovery process.
In order to improve the imaging quality, this medical vein finder is also available in several enhanced models with different colors, which will certainly improve the clarity and identification. They are “Red, green, white,” the three color modes switch freely. Post-Phlebitic projected images will hence be more realistic and have higher clinical accuracy.
The following IV Vein finder is also available with a child mode. The area of the projected space is reduced in size and the processing of vein images is more meticulous. As such, it reduces bidirectional injection pain that children might experience.
Post-thrombotic syndrome, or PTS, is a serious and painful condition that can last a long time. This makes treatment a must. In relation to all the above mentioned SIFVEIN-5.2 qualities, this infrared vein finder might be the ultimate choice for Post-Phlebitic Syndrome patients as long as fast treatment and higher recovery chances can be safely guaranteed.
Reference: Chronic Venous Insufficiency and Postphlebitic Syndrome
Disclaimer: Although the information we provide is used by different doctors and medical staff to perform their procedures and clinical applications, the information contained in this article is for consideration only. SIFVEINFINDER is not responsible neither for the misuse of the device nor for the wrong or random generalizability of the device in all clinical applications or procedures mentioned in our articles. Users must have the proper training and skills to perform the procedure with each vein finder device.
The products mentioned in this article are only for sale to medical staff (doctors, nurses, certified practitioners, etc.) or to private users assisted by or under the supervision of a medical professional.