Blood Collection For Lab Studies necessitates an invasive method of cannulation, which necessitates correct vein selection.
However, Cannulation poses a challenge to medical practitioners, particularly cannulation in patients with low-complexity disorders.
Indeed, the use of a vein finder would assist the phlebotomist or the Emergency Medical Technician in readily locating the vein, reducing probable pre-analytical mistake in sample collection and further agony and anguish to the patient.
For this reason, the use of a vein finder in Assisting Blood Collection For Lab Studies is undeniably advantageous. Clearly, this ground-breaking technology is crucial in circumstances when identifying a vein is challenging, since it makes venipuncture easier and faster to perform.
Furthermore, hundreds of venipunctures are conducted in labs every day to gather blood samples for testing. This process may be time-consuming and challenging in some groups of patients, and vein selection must be precise. For example, the FDA Portable Vein Detector SIFVEIN-5.2 is intended for usage with patients who are elderly, obese, have tiny blood veins, or have dark skin.
In such cases, it is strongly advised to use a vein finder, which allows you to see veins clearly under the skin since vein viewers show in darker colors than the backdrop.
Accordingly, the portable vein finder SIFVEIN-5.2 comes with a decent customizable brightness, which allows doctors and nurses to customize the image brightness depending on the light of the room and the patient’s skin tone so that the vein becomes more visible and easier to access. Thus, banning any possible fail diagnosis and preventing discomfort, stress, pain, and other unwanted reactions.
Phlebotomists and EMTs can see blood vessels in a depth of 10 mm under the patients’ skin by utilizing a portable vein finder SIFVEIN-5.2. In addition to the Depth recognition mode, which increases vein depth assessment. As a consequence, the initial venipuncture success rate might be greatly increased.
To summarize, the usage of Vein Finder Assisting in Blood Collection For Lab Study is a useful technology that has several aspects that may be decreased by the use of a vein finder.
References: Vein Pattern Locating Technology for Cannulation
Disclaimer: Although the information we provide is used by different doctors and medical staff to perform their procedures and clinical applications, the information contained in this article is for consideration only. SIFVEINFINDER is not responsible neither for the misuse of the device nor for the wrong or random generalizability of the device in all clinical applications or procedures mentioned in our articles. Users must have the proper training and skills to perform the procedure with each vein finder device.
The products mentioned in this article are only for sale to medical staff (doctors, nurses, certified practitioners, etc.) or to private users assisted by or under the supervision of a medical professional.